Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Today's Events

My mom spent the night with us last night, which was a nice visit. It was nice to see her when she wasn't sick, like she was the last time she was here.

I am also working on a Beanie and Legwarmers at the moment. I am working on making the dimensions correct so the size will be correct for the person who ordered them. They are lovely and in a cute pink.

Tonight, I will finally get an office desk for my craft room, so I can have my work space a little more organized. It's been a little rough since our move from GA to AR, because I was unable to bring along my office furniture I had in my craft room. This has left me with supplies on top of supplies stored in moving boxes. Do you know how hard that makes it to work on a project without dragging everything out? Then it's time to start dinner or company is coming over and I have to put everything back up. It's such an exhaustive attempt at trying to work on my projects because it seems more time is spent on finding the right supplies, dragging them out and then putting the items all back up. I could spend that time in being more creative and less time on toting and dragging supplies all over the place.

1 comment:

Sam said...

hi nice blog i hope you will follow my blogs to. thanks